Sample Dissertations
If you need some dissertation help or inspiration for writing your dissertation proposal, PhD thesis or MBA dissertation topics, then you've come to the right place.
On this page we have a range of Dissertation samples in various subject topics from Business, Management and Marketing, to Economics and Finance, Law and History.
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Business, Management & Leadership Dissertations
The current dissertation aims to evaluate the impact made by diverse motivational practices on the individual employee performance in software SMEs located in London. It is argued that the methods of boosting the motivation of the personnel can be produced from the key theories of human motivation and the concept of leadership. Primary data is gathered to achieve the outlined purpose. It is shown that the employees of the investigated firms are predominantly affected by monetary remuneration, workplace relationships, employee development and emotional support. A statistically significant link between motivation and individual performance is identified. Generalisability is considered as the main limitation of this study.
Written by Philip S.
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This project attempts to examine the impact of supply chain risk on organisational performance in the context of the UK manufacturing sector. For this purpose, primary quantitative data was collected from 100 managers and supply chain employees of British manufacturing companies with the help of self-administered questionnaires. The obtained data was processed graphically and statistically in Excel and SPSS. It was revealed that manufacturing firms’ exposure to supply chain risk negatively influenced their productivity and cost-effectiveness. The lack of generalisability is the main limitation of this study. The researchers who investigate the role of supply chain management in organisational performance might be interested in this dissertation.
Written by Laura N.
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The implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives can turn out to be successful in some organisations and fail for no apparent reasons in others. This research project was conducted with the aim to find out whether these differences can be explained by organisational culture. The impact of culture on CSR involvement was analysed at the example of Hyundai, a global automotive manufacturer. To operationalise the concept of organisational culture, the Cultural Web model was adopted as the core theoretical framework. The survey method was employed for primary data collection. 73 usable questionnaires were collected from the employees of Hyundai’s branch in the UK.
Written by Katy J.
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The constant changes in the external environment and disruptive innovation trends have severely undermined the relevance of such theories as Lewin’s 3-Stage Model of Change (Hossan, 2015, p.53). While these classical concepts assume that organisational transformations occur in a planned and predictable manner, the majority of challenges faced by modern businesses are emergent and urgent in their nature. This problem is especially evident in the UK context where the outcomes of the Brexit referendum create high levels of uncertainty forcing all country organisations to get ready for both ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ regulatory paths (Bratton and Gold, 2017, p.32).
Written by Steve S.
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Many organisations are now adopting a process of lifecycle management in an effort to maximise the longevity and thus profitability from their products. This process refers to the management of a product through all stages from inception, primary sales period and decline, and can be a lengthy process, particularly in industries where the early stages of research and development are long (Stark, 2015). The rationale for adopting this approach is that as Prajapati et al, (2013) note, when a product’s lifecycle is extended, there is competitive edge, and improved management of resources. This is particularly important when the research and development of a project is a lengthy process, and subject to stringent regulations, such as in the pharmaceutical industry.
Written by Rowan T.
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The dissertation focused on the soft and hard skills possessed by hospitality management graduates in the UK. The primary goal was to investigate the relationship between these capabilities and the employer’s perceptions of first-time job seekers. The study measured 3 indicators of employer’s perceptions, namely the time taken to find a job, the willingness to continue working for the current company and employer’s satisfaction with an applicant’s competencies. Quantitative questionnaire data was used to achieve the research objectives. The findings indicated that flexibility, marketing competencies and interpersonal skills were among the key factors that determined employer’s perceptions. The providers of educational services to future hospitality managers were recommended to design new curricula focused on the provision of these skills.
Written by Laura N
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See a sample dissertation methodology chapter based on the topic of 'How Does the Offering of Auxiliary Services by White Goods Sellers Influence the Purchase Intentions of UK Customers?'
See a sample dissertation conclusion chapter based on the topic of 'Just-in-Time Workforce: Principal-Agent Problems Experienced by Small Businesses'.
Marketing Dissertations
The empirical research on the impact of pricing strategies on sales volumes is scarce because of the challenges associated with obtaining actual sales data from retailers. This dissertation contributes to bridging this gap in academic knowledge by investigating the influence of pricing methods on the sales volume dynamics in three UK-based, online consumer electronics vendors. The data is collected by means of semi-structured interviews with one owner/manager and two general managers of small and medium-sized online retailers. The key finding is that the companies experiencing an increase in their sales volumes over the past year followed the same pricing strategy, which combined competitive pricing, discounting and personalised pricing. For the firm employing the mix of competitive pricing, discounting and bundling, the sales volume increase was marginal, despite the overall positive dynamics of online electronics sales in the UK over the past year.
Written by Anna D.
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The current research project aims to investigate into the relationship between the social media presence and brand trust of Cadbury, a UK-based confectionary company. Primary quantitative data is obtained to achieve this aim. It is established that Cadbury relies on robust social media presence including a variety of channels (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) as well as on different engagement strategies such as purely promotional messages and direct customer interactions. However, these marketing efforts were insufficient to achieve a consistently high level of brand trust in the company’s online communities. Social media training as well as content marketing are recommended for Cadbury as possible solutions to this problem.
Written by Josh A.
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In the age of social media, customers increasingly turn to them as a source of information on whether certain beauty products or services are worth purchasing (Immediate Future, 2016, p. 1). According to the 2015 survey by BuzzMyVideos, 85% of British customers aged 16-45 would trust a review by a YouTube beauty blogger over any other advertising medium (BuzzMyVideos, 2015, p. 1). There is evidence that the global beauty industry might be heavily underutilising the potential of social media. In the US, 69% of personal care companies failed to regularly update their websites and 12% did not remove out-of-date promotions (Miguel, 2014, p. 1). This dissertation aims at testing on whether the situation in the UK beauty industry is better and if their social media strategies are generally effective in reaching customers.
Written by Jess C.
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Example of how to write a dissertation discussion chapter. This chapter focuses on Content Marketing Preferences of Fashion Product Buyers in Thailand.
Finance & Economics Dissertations
The aim of the present paper is to assess whether mergers and acquisitions (M&A) create value. For this purpose, a sample of 30 largest M&A deals in the UK is investigated. The sample covers the period of 2013-2015 which allows for examining both short-term and long-term performance as well as minimise the potential impact of the global financial crisis. The cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) and buy-and-hold abnormal returns (BHARs) are employed to estimate the performance of the acquirers. The analysis relies on testing the deviations of abnormal returns from zero by performing several cross-sectional tests for different event windows and holding periods.
Written by Carl R.
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The purpose of this research is to explore the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows on economic growth of emerging economies in the Latin American and South East Asian regions. This aim is attained by employing econometric methods based on panel regression analysis. The study investigates a sample of ten countries for the period from 1990 to 2016. The results of the research show that FDI inflows do not produce a statistically significant positive effect on economic growth in developing countries but there are slight regional differences. The study faced limitations associated with the quality of proxies for human capital as a factor of economic growth. Recommendations for future improvement of the research are provided at the end of the paper.
Written by Matthew R.
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The aim of the dissertation is to investigate the influence of corporate governance practices on firm performance of FTSE 100 companies. Explanatory variables belong to three categories, namely board parameters, CEO characteristics and ownership specifics. The period of investigation is 2005-2015. An analysis is conducted using a panel ordinary least squares regression and the Hausman specification test applied to determine whether a model with fixed or random effect is more appropriate to employ.
Written by Adrian L.
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This study focuses on the modelling of oil price behaviour during the period 2012-2017. The Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) and Mean-Reversion Jump Diffusion (MRJD) models are used for this purpose. Based on the results, no substantial difference has been found between the simulated prices due to the slow speed of mean reversion and low jump intensity estimated for the MRJD model. This can be explained by the potential existence of two distinct regimes of the oil price behaviour associated with the 2014 drop in oil prices. The MRJD model reproduces volatility smiles for the arithmetic average options showing that lower volatility is associated with the at-the-money options.
Written by Anton V.
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This study attempts to identify the impact of the United Kingdom’s decision to withdraw from the European Union (EU) on the access of British non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to EU funding. Primary quantitative data was gathered from 43 managers and employees of four UK-based NGOs. The analysis outcomes demonstrated that Brexit had considerably limited UK-based NGOs’ ability to meet the nationality requirement as well as their access to funding from the European Union. The main limitation of this project refers to the small size of the sample. The researchers who investigate the consequences of Brexit for the UK’s economic and social context could be interested in this dissertation.
Written by Emily S.
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This study employs panel data analysis to investigate whether the market size, availability of infrastructure, price stability, trade openness, political stability, absence of violence and terrorism, control of corruption and government effectiveness affect the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow to ten developing countries from Europe, Middle East and Africa using data for a period of twenty years (1996-2016). Unlike previous studies that focused on one specific region, this dissertation provides evidence for three different regions. Results of the panel data analysis show that the market size and inflation rate are statistically significant factors that influence FDI in the selected countries.
Written by Emily S.
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The aim of the study is to assess the weak form of market efficiency in the context of Qatar and Saudi Arabia during the period 2001-2017. The QE General index and Tadawul All Share index are used to represent these two markets respectively. Daily data has been retrieved to capture short-term volatility in these markets and assess randomness of stock returns. The methodology of this research is based on such methods as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the runs test, the autocorrelation test, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for a unit root and the variance ratio test.
Written by Sheikh A.
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The aim of this dissertation is to assess the relationship between earnings management and internal and external audit practices in the UK. A sample of non-financial UK firms is investigated throughout the years 2010-2016. Abnormal accruals are used to represent earnings management. The results show no significant effect of audit committee characteristics such as size and meeting frequency on earnings management. At the same time, the findings from this dissertation suggest that companies audited by the Big Four are less likely to engage in earning management activities. The findings generally agree with the existing literature.
Written by Rachel E.
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The importance of the problem of corruption is explained by the fact that it affects the very roots of the economy. Corruption violates equity rights which has far-reaching consequences for both economic efficiency and asset ownership. It makes the work of social and political institutions less efficient and thus endangers democracy. Moreover, corruption activities are often undertaken tacitly which makes the fight against it a complicated and resource-consuming process.
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Law Dissertations
This thesis examines the impact of restorative justice values has made within the youth justice framework in the UK over the past ten years and determines whether the current practice aspires to the international standard of restorative justice ideals. The focus of the thesis will be on the development of the theoretical and conceptual foundations of restorative justice within criminal justice with an additional focus on UK current practice. The thesis will also examine the development of restorative justice in other jurisdictions such as Canada and New Zealand to compare and contrast the impact of the development and practice of restorative justice processes in dealing with youth offending. A primary focus will be to use the conceptual foundations of restorative justice in addition to the development of restorative justice practice in other jurisdictions to inform analysis on the UK’s approach to incorporate restorative justice within criminal justice. Additionally the thesis will evaluate whether the current restorative justice model has any potential flaws and where improvements can be made to adjust youth criminal justice towards a more integrated approach to adopting practices more restorative in nature.
Written by Mike H.
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The EU’s architecture comprises a combination of supranational and intergovernmental institutions. However the UK’s government has always argued that supranationalism especially in the form of the supremacy of EU laws undermines national sovereignty. The intergovernmentalist approach is closely related to the international relations theory of realism which argues that in an anarchical world devoid of any form of supranational governance, all power and sovereignty lies with nation states. They apply this reasoning to the European integration process by arguing that power in the European Union lies with national governments. Barnard and Peers sums this up by stating, “The central thesis is that States are the driving force behind integration, that supranational actors are there largely at their behest and that such actors as such have little independent impact on the pace of integration.” This paper will examine the way supremacy of EU law has been developed and the extent to which it poses a challenge to national governments.
Written by Michael S.
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History, International Relations & Politics Dissertations
Poonindie mission station was founded in 1850 to provide a place for aborigines educated at the missionary schools in the Adelaide and Port Lincoln areas of South Australia to live in a Christian way of life. Although Poonindie’s aim to annihilate aborigine society and culture and absorb its residents into a Christian, European one may seem wrong to us today, to Poonindie’s founder, Mathew Blagden Hale, the notion of these people finding contentment in a culture which did not meet European standards was impossible. It is important that a historian assesses the past by the standards of their own times instead of judging them by our own.
Written by Joanna W.
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Language and Linguistics Dissertations
Second Language Acquisition is a staged and systematic process that occurs on a development continuum. This means that learners work their way through a number of predictable stages or developmental sequences in the acquisition of a language. In light of this, most SLA researchers claim that rather than relying on the conscious teaching of language skills, we must allow for the natural development of progress in stages of learning and acquisition through natural exposure of the language. Such a method of learning mirrors the unconscious ways in which children acquire a first language. This idea subsequently leads to the debate of whether a second language is thus acquired and learnt more easily at an early age also (see Krashen 1985). Many researchers believe that children have a neurological advantage in language learning, before the maturation of the brain, which occurs within the teens (Penfield and Roberts, 1959).
Written by Rowan T.
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