Our Guarantees

Plagiarism free

All work is written from scratch and, therefore, totally plagiarism free.

Custom written by real people

We do NOT use AI (ChatGPT or similar), all orders are custom written by real people.

Never late

We guarantee that we will deliver your order on time, and we ensure this by carrying out a very strict process once the payment for the work has been received. Within the first 24 hours the writer will make sure that all of the necessary information has been provided. If they have any questions thereafter – they will always contact you. This close relationship ensures that we deliver exactly what you want and always on time.

Achieving the standard

You will always receive the standard that you have paid for. Your work will be handled by someone who is more than qualified to complete it. If you have any questions on how the work has been done, there is a tutoring service that provides any clarification that you may need and will help answer any of your tutor’s questions.

Qualified writers

All of the writers have at least a Master’s distinction degree from a top university, and some have PhDs. All of them have been completing academic writing for at least 10 years, so you can be confident in our ability to complete your work.

Original requirements are always met

We guarantee that we will follow all of your instructions. If anything is missed – we will redo it for free.

Free amendments

We are confident that you will be happy with our work, so we offer a seven-day, totally free, amendments period.

100% confidential

We offer a completely confidential service. Your details will never be shared or disclosed to anyone. All we need is a working email address in order to communicate with you.

Never reselling the work

We will not resell or make your work public. This work is personalised to you and you alone.

How It Works


Send us your requirements to get a price

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Make payment for your order

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An expert writer is assigned to you

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Your paper is sent to you on or before your deadline