HRM Dissertation Topics
Data-Driven Recruitment: Ethical Issues and Opportunities for SMEs.
The Impact of Pre-Recruitment Tests on Employee Perceptions of Employers in the UK Service Sector.
Can Remote Recruitment Address the Challenges of HR Professionals in the Hospitality Sector?
Digital Skills Acquisition: A Study of Learning Challenges for UK Retail SMEs.
How Can Mobile and Remote Learning Help Businesses Overcome Workforce Competence Deficiencies?
The Potential of Gamification as an Organisational Learning and Development Tool in British MNEs.
Motivation Techniques for Crisis Periods: The Effectiveness of Non-Monetary Reward in Stimulating Staff Loyalty.
The Attractiveness of Corporate Wellness Options (Gym Membership) as an Intangible Performance Motivator.
Can Social Media Exposure Be an Effective Motivator? Evidence from London-Based Charities
Perceived Remuneration Fairness: The Use of Intangible Reward in Public Sector Organisations.
Can Perceived Job Importance Influence Job Satisfaction Levels among NHS Nurses?
The Role of Culture-Specific Traits in Defining the Attitudes towards Intangible Rewards.
What Is the Impact of Professional Training Opportunities on Staff Loyalty in British Airways?
Team Development Training for SMEs: The Significance of Organisational Climate for Staff Loyalty.
The Role of Perceived Loyalty Antecedents for Recruitment Decisions: An SME Owners’ Perspective.
The Impact of Workplace Equipment and Design on Employee Retention. A Case of Starbucks.
The Hidden Costs of Employee Turnover: How Do Layoffs Influence the Productivity and Loyalty of Remaining Staff Members?
Supervision as a Retention Instrument. The Role of Transformational and Transactional Workplace Leaders.
How Can Remote Work Opportunities Incentivise Medical Specialists to Join the NHS?
Job Satisfaction in the Customer Support Sector: Strategies to Prevent Employee Burnout.
Office Perks: Can Small Business Owners Imitate the Experience of Industry Leaders?
Flexible Work vs. Remote Work: Analysing the Practices of Investment Banks.
Coronavirus and Alternative Work Arrangements in the UK. The Impact on the Recruitment Industry and Labour Market.
The Effect of Flexible Working Options on Employer Attractiveness in the UK Software Development Industry.
Remote Training: Opportunities for Small Business Owners.
Can Investment in Employee Training Influence Staff Retention in Service Organisations?
In-House vs. Third-Party Training and Development Programmes: A Survey of Australian Retail Sector Employees.
Do Performance Appraisals Influence the Perceptions of Managerial Fairness in Creative SMEs?
Management by Objectives and the Transparency of Productivity Evaluations in the Hospitality Sector.
Soft Skills and Competencies Measurement: Performance Appraisal Challenges of Scottish Service Organisations.
How Can Employee Self-Appraisals Influence Unsupervised Productivity of Hotel Staff?
Strategies for Staff Performance Measurement: A Comparison of UK Public and Private Sector Organisations.
The Impact of Customer Feedback on Employee Productivity Appraisals in the Service Sector.
Customer Value Creation in Saudi Repair Organisations: The Problem of Defining Waste.
Lean Supply Chain Management Strategies of Manufacturing SMEs after Brexit.
Key Threats of the ‘Just-in-Time’ Approach in the Residential Construction Industry.
The Impact of Brexit on the sHRM Strategies of UK Medical Organisations.
The Challenges of Ageing Workforce in British SMEs’ Adaptation to New Labour Market Conditions.
Universalist Approaches to sHRM: How Do Best Industry Practices Affect Job Satisfaction and Workplace Performance?
The Role of Employee Voice in the Creation of a Supportive Workplace Environment.
The Adhocracy Culture Concept: What Are the Benefits for Organisations Operating under Regulatory Uncertainty?
The Influence of Employee Feedback on the Culture of Small and Medium-Sized Insurance Organisations.
Managerial Interventions and the Effectiveness of Diversity Management in UK Service Organisations.
Can Internal Reporting Fully Replace Society-Level Discussions? The Case of Discrimination-Related Whistleblowing.
Generation Gaps in the Ageing Workforce: A Study of Tesco’s Diversity Management Strategies.
The Impact of Performance Remuneration on Perceived Fairness: Evidence from IT Teams.
The Effect of Job Descriptions in Recruitment Ads on New Talent Acquisition.
Strategies of Resolving a Recruitment Crisis in the Shrinking Labour Market in the UK.
Can Collective Bargaining in the UK Effectively Resolve the Problems of Individuals from Minority Groups?
The McDonald’s UK Case: How Trade Unions Affect Employment Practices.
Unions as Organisational Stakeholders. Achieving a Balanced Representation of Workers’ Interests in MNEs.
The Effect of Horizontal Team Communication on Impostor Syndrome Prevention.
How UK Hospitality Organisations Mitigate Workplace Arguments.
What Are the Key Challenges of Service Sector Organisations in Measuring Teamwork Productivity?
Workplace Conflicts as Antecedents of Staff Turnover: Evidence from the UK Food Sector.
How Can Employee Assertiveness Influence Workplace Conflicts Outcomes?
The Readiness of UK Retail Organisations for Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods.
Workplace Adjustments Availability in UK Service Organisations.
How Can Occupational Health Practices Contribute to Job Satisfaction in Retail Organisations?
Mental Well-Being in the Workplace: Obstacles to Sustainable Working Environment in the NHS.