Financial Ratio Analysis Calculator

Our financial ratio calculator is a tool that will show you what ratios can be estimated with the variables you have.

You need to follow several steps to see your results. First, choose the type of ratios you want to estimate. We divide them into Profitability, Liquidity, Long-Term Solvency, Efficiency and Investment Ratios. Second, type in your variable name or select one from the drop down list. Third, enter the value of the variable. Repeat these steps for as many variables as you want. In the end, you will get a summary of results with the ratios and their estimated values.

This tool will help you determine what you can do with the financial information that you have on hands. If you are still struggling with any financial work, whether it is a coursework, essay or dissertation, we can help. Simply contact us with your requirements to get started. 

Profitability Ratios
Profitability Ratios
Gross Margin Gross profit / Revenue
Operating Margin Operating profit(loss) / Revenue
Pre-Tax Margin Profit(loss) before taxation / Revenue
Profit Margin Profit(loss) for the financial year / Revenue
ROTA Profit(loss) before taxation/Total Assets
Return on assets Profit(loss) for the financial year/((Total Assets t + Total Assets t+1))/2
Return on investments Profit(loss) for the financial year/(Non-current Liabilities +Total equity)
Long-Term Solvency

Ratio Calculator

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Use the links below to view our free products and sample dissertations related to financial ratios: